Thursday, February 26, 2009

Cooking challenge

After four years of living in Rome I've managed to collect a fair share of recipes, recipe books and cooking magazines. My all time favorite is "Cucina Italiana". It's got fantastic recipes and the pictures make my mouth water every time I look through it! My only problem is that I never use the recipes! A lot of it has to do with time. The only time I cook is the weekend, usually Sunday (since we try to eat lighter during the week) and so I really only have one opportunity a week to try new recipes.

So, starting this weekend (excluding those when we go to my in-laws place) I will set myself a cooking challenge. To try something new, or play with recipes I know. I'll try to take pictures of the successes (and failures...I guess :/ ) and post them up here.

I better start looking for that perfect recipe!!

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